3araby Dev التطبيقات

ريموت كنترول 3.5.4
3araby Dev
تطبيق ريموت كنترول هو تطبيق عربي يتيح لك تحويل هاتفك الذكي إلىريموت رسيرفر شامل لأي جهاز للتحكم بجميع الأجهزة المنزلية الذكية ،فإن كنت تبحث عن ريموت رسيفر فهذا التطبيق سيلبي لك حاجيتك ،حيث كثيراماتضيع لنا ريموت تلفزيون ونكون في حاجة ماسة إلى ريموت كنترول جديدة.باستعمال هذا التطبيق الذي يعتمد على تقنية الأشعة تحت الحمراء (IRRemote) لن تكون في حاجة إلى شراء تيليكوموند جديد. تطبيق ريموتكونترول العربي سهل الإستخدام يكفي فقط أن تقوم بتثبيته و بعد ذلكتقوم باختيار الجهاز الذي تود التحكم به سواء كان : تلفاز ، رسيفر ،Blue ray، مكيف ، كاميرا ، قارئ CD أو DVD ، مشغل الموسيقى ، وغيرهامن الأجهزة الذكية الأخرى ، و يضم التطبيق لائحة تضم أشهر الشركات مثل: LG ,Sony , philips, jvc , samsung,panasonic و القائمة تطول. لاتنسى تقييم التطبيق و إعطاءنا 5 نجمات إن اعجبك ، و اكتب أي ملاحظة فيالتعليقات.
Remote control 1.5.4
3araby Dev
IR Remote Control App adalah aplikasiremotkontrol yang paling mudah dan paling kompatibel yangakanmemberikan Anda kontrol halus dan lebih sederhana kepada SmartTV.Dalam proses yang sederhana, Anda hanya perlu mengatur itu,dansemua fungsi dasar dari TV Anda akan dapat diakses denganaplikasiremot kontrol TV ini. Akan tetapi, aplikasi ini juga dapatmembantuAnda untuk mengendalikan AC, DVD Player, sound system, biruray,kamera dan banyak lagi dari jarak jauh. Tidak perlu khawatirlagidi mana Anda meletakkan remote.PENGATURAN HALUS DAN MUDAHIni adalah aplikasi remote control untuk tv yang halusdansederhana. Anda akan menyukai bagaimana aplikasi inidirancang.Yang Anda butuhkan adalah mengikuti menu, masukkan merekdanmenunggu aplikasi terhubung dengan perangkat. Sejak saat ituAndaakan memiliki alat khusus jarak jauh dibuat untukperangkattersebut.MEMBUAT REMOT GANDAKeuntungan utama dari aplikasi ini adalah dapat membuatbeberaparemot dalam satu aplikasi. Anda dapat membuat remote untukLG,Samsung, Sony TV semua dalam satu aplikasi dan Anda jugadapatmenambahkan AC atau DVD player. Mengubahnya sesuai dengankebutuhandan preferensi Anda.REMOT KONTROL HEBATAnda akan memiliki kontrol yang besar dan kemampuan untukmengelolaperangkat dengan benar. Dari perubahan channel, volumeatauperubahan suhu, aplikasi akan memuaskan kontrol setiapkebutuhandan meminimalkan penggunaan remote Anda yang sesungguhnya.FITUR IR REMOTE CONTROL APP:- Setup yang mudah- Bekerja dengan Smart TV, TV, sound system, sinar biru,kamera,DVD, AC- Memberikan fitur remot hebat- Kontrol volume, saluran, suhu- Intuitif dan serbaguna…………………………………………………………………..Jangan pernah khawatir tentang peralatan rumah tangga Anda danTVdengan aplikasi remot kontrol gratis iniKami yakin kami memiliki salah satu aplikasi remot TVterbaik.Memaksimalkan remot kontrol peralatan rumah Anda.Dapatkan GRATIS!IR Remote Control App isaremote control application is the easiest and most compatiblewhichwill give you smoother and more simple control to Smart TV.In theprocess simple, you just need to manage it, and all thebasicfunctions of your TV will be accessible with this TV remotecontrolapplications. However, this application can also help youto controlAC, DVD player, sound system, blue ray, camera and moreremotely. Noneed to worry anymore where you put the remote.SMOOTH AND EASY SETUPThis is an application for TV remote control is smooth andsimple.You'll love how the application is designed. All you need istofollow the menu, enter the brand and waiting for applicationstoconnect to the device. Since that time you will have a specialtoolmade for the remote device.MAKE MULTIPLE REMOTEThe main advantage of this application is that it can createsomeremote in one application. You can make a remote for LG,Samsung,Sony TV all in one application and you can also addairconditioning or DVD player. Change it according to your needsandpreferences.GREAT remote controlYou will have greater control and the ability to manage thedevicecorrectly. The change channel, volume or temperature changes,theapplication will satisfy every need control and minimize the useofyour real remote.IR REMOTE CONTROL APP FEATURES:- Setup is simple- Working with Smart TV, TV, sound system, light blue, camera,DVD,AC- Providing a great remote feature- Control the volume, channel, temperature- Intuitive and Versatile.............................................................................Never worry about your household appliances and remote controlTVwith this free applicationWe believe we have one of the best TV remote.Maximizing remote control your home appliances.Get FREE!
IR Remote Control App 1.5.5
3araby Dev
IR Remote Control App is the easiest andmostcompatible remote control app that will give you smooth andsimplecontrol over your Smart TV. In a simple process, you justneed toset it up, and all basic functions of your TV will beaccessiblewith this tv remote control app.However, the app can alsohelp youremotely control your AC, DVD Player, sound system, blueray,camera and much more. Never ever worry about where you putyourremote.SMOOTH AND EASY TO SETUPThis is the smoothest and simplest remote control app for tv.Youwill love how great this app is designed. All you need is tofollowthe menu, enter the brand and wait for the app to connectwith thedevice. From then on you will have a special remote createdforthat device.CREATE MULTIPLE REMOTESThe main advantage of this app is that can create multipleremotesin one app. You can create remotes for LG, Samsung, Sony TVall inone app and you can also add air conditioner or DVD playerremote.Change them according to your needs and preference.GREAT REMOTE CONTROLSYou will have great controls and ability to manage thedeviceproperly. From channel change, to volume or temperaturechange, theapp will satisfy every control need and minimize the useof yourreal remote.IR REMOTE CONTROL APP FEATURES:- easy setup- works with Smart TV, TV, sound system, blue ray, camera, DVD,airconditioning- gives great remote features- control volume, channels, temperature- intuitive and versitale…………………………………………………………………..Never ever worry about your home appliances and TVs with thisfreeremote control appWe are sure we have one of the best tv remote apps.Maximize your home appliance remote control.Get it for FREE!